Adriana Rojas Casteblanco, is 35 years old, originally from the city of Bogotá, resident of Villavicencio. Chemical engineer by profession and dedicated to the area of beauty and PMU, as a technique in beauty and aesthetics.
She was an assistant at the PMU Power Congress 2022, and participated in the International PMU Championship and was among the 15 finalists in the Latex Microblading sector. She also participated in the first Guinness World record attempt at the title of "Greatest amount ofPMU artists performing microblading in one hour”.
Base: Red
Used for eyebrow color corrections with hints of gray/black. Used to shade in lips.
Base: Rojo
Para correcciones de color en cejas con sub-tono gris o azul. Para relleno de labios. @@#863a35
Base: Neutral / Red Apply directly when microblading for olive color and warm color skin tones. For compact eyebrow add a drop of a red-based tone.@@ Base: Neutro / Red Tono de uso directo en microblading para personas de apiñonadas a morenas. Para ceja...
Base: Yellow
Helps neutralize. It is necessary add 2 to 6 drops to all lip tones.
Base: Amarillo
Ayuda a neutralizar, indispensable agregar 2 a 6 gotas a todos los tonos de labios.@@#ffa400
Base: Red
Used for eyebrow color corrections with hints of gray/black. Used to shade in lips.
Base: Rojo
Para correcciones de color en cejas con sub-tono gris o azul. Para relleno de labios. @@#863a35
Base: Neutral / Red Apply directly when microblading for olive color and warm color skin tones. For compact eyebrow add a drop of a red-based tone.@@ Base: Neutro / Red Tono de uso directo en microblading para personas de apiñonadas a morenas. Para ceja...
Base: Yellow
Helps neutralize. It is necessary add 2 to 6 drops to all lip tones.
Base: Amarillo
Ayuda a neutralizar, indispensable agregar 2 a 6 gotas a todos los tonos de labios.@@#ffa400